I'm getting ready to brew a few beers with WLP090 - Super San Diego, so it's time for another session beer. This time around it's nearly the same Scottish ale I brewed here, just 8oz less base malt to hit a lower OG.
Home » March 2013
I'm getting ready to brew a few beers with WLP090 - Super San Diego, so it's time for another session beer. This time around it's nearly the same Scottish ale I brewed here, just 8oz less base malt to hit a lower OG.
I was going to hold off brewing this for another month or so, but screw it, I want some Younger now! Kristen and I were recently back in California, and made our way up to RRBC to try Younger; it was awesome. So I shuffled around some beers, and I'm brewing this next.
No, your eyes aren't deceiving you; I'm dry hopping Bud Light today. I borrowed this idea from one of the brewers at Anchor Brewing. He mentioned on a Brewing Network interview that this is his favorite way to see the differences between different hop varieties. They just buy a 12er of Bud Light, pop the caps, drop in a few pellets, and then taste the differences. It sounded like a great idea to me, so here we go!
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