I live in Arizona, so it should come as no surprise that chilling a batch of beer is a giant pain in the ass here. I'm lucky if my tap water gets under 90F in the summer, and I've never seen it fall under 70* in the winter. I bleed with envy at all those folks that can simply hook up a hose to their chiller and run 50* water through it. But alas, I live in the desert, and chilling wort sucks here.
Home » March 2016
I live in Arizona, so it should come as no surprise that chilling a batch of beer is a giant pain in the ass here. I'm lucky if my tap water gets under 90F in the summer, and I've never seen it fall under 70* in the winter. I bleed with envy at all those folks that can simply hook up a hose to their chiller and run 50* water through it. But alas, I live in the desert, and chilling wort sucks here.
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