I have two temp probes in my fermentation fridge that are connected to a Raspberry Pi. The RPi pushes data out to a Website/Service called Xively, which lets me poll the data, and build cool graphs. Below you'll find real-time temperatures for whatever is currently in my fermenting fridge, as well as the fridge temp itself.

Currently Fermenting: Alpine Nelson Clone

Fermentor Temp

Fridge Temp


  1. that's just about flippin' awesome. well done!

  2. How is the probe attached to the fermenter? Taped to the side? Thermowell?


  3. Can you point me in the direction of some instructions on how to set up the Raspberry Pi with a controller?

    1. http://www.bertusbrewery.com/2013/04/how-to-monitor-your-fermentation-temps.html

      The code looks a bit different now due COSM changing to xively, but that should get you started.

  4. Scott, just stumbled upon your blog while looking for instructions a new induction kettle. Love your full explanations of your brew process and recipes.Your analytical approach to brewing is great! I'm a recent AZ export (moved to NYC), but would love to share notes. Are you on any other networks, G+ or Twitter?

  5. Anybody have a monitor that also controls the temp? Specifically, via a heat belt or something other than a fermentation chamber.

  6. @Charles, That'll be my next step in the process after getting the monitoring under control.

    @anyone, The last bit of stuff that seems to be hanging me up the most is the javascript code utilization to show just the temperature. I've already forked the recommended github channel (http://xively.github.io/channel-viz/), and looked into the examples showing how the javascript can be used (http://xively.github.io/xively-js/) ... still no luck.

  7. Stumbled on this site while looking into hop extracts. For those of you interested in doing temp controlled ferments you owe it to yourself to have a look at BrewPi. Goto www.brewpi.com it's an open source project that does a phenomenally good job of controlling the temp of your ferment, tracking against easy to generate profiles an the like. Take a look at the linked pic to get an idea of how it operates. The system uses a Raspberry Pi for the webserver side of things and an Arduino Leonardo as the process controller...add a few temp sensors and solid state relays and you're off to the races. http://i60.tinypic.com/w8n8gi.png in this case I'm just playing around with 5 gallons of water in a carboy to fiddle around some of the limit parameters and to see how fast my heater and fridge can shove the water around. The freezer can move more quickly I need to modify the minimum temp parameter...


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