...kettle, I just need to decide what to do with it, haha. Seriously though, I just bought a new 15 gallon kettle from Spike Brewing. It's a very nice kettle for the price, but I need to decide what to use it for. It's going to become either a new mash tun, or a new electric kettle. As a mash tun, it would replace my beat up 48qt cooler. As a kettle it would replace my beat up 32qt aluminum pot. I do plan on replacing both at some point, but I'm not sure which to do first. For now, enjoy the stainless bling pictures.


  1. That looks about as big as my 10gal cooler/mashtun. Obviously it doesn't have the insulation to take up space.... is that size comparison accurate?

    1. Ya, pretty much. It's 16.5" in diameter and 17" high


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