UPDATE: Alright, thanks for the wait guys; we have two winners!

Amarillo - Jacob Dennis
Citra - Steve Greco

Drop me an email at bertusbrewery@gmail.com with your shipping addresses, and I'll get the hops in the mail. Thanks again to all who entered. Hopefully we'll do something like this again in the near future!

I've mentioned it a few times, but I buy 98% of my yearly supply of hops in bulk after the harvest. I love the flexibility this yields, as I always have what I need on hand to brew what I want. I'm usually pretty good at accurately estimating how much I need, but this past year I bought a little too much.

So with that said, I'm happy to announce that we're doing our first ever giveaway! I have 8oz ea of 2012 crop year Amarillo and Citra taking up space in the freezer, and I won't use it before the 2013 crop shows up. They've been vacuum sealed in my freezer since harvest last year, so they are as fresh as year-old hops can possibly be. You guys have really helped make this blog what it is with all the suggestions, questions, comments, and support, so I wanted to say thanks.

Here's how it'll work: If you wish to enter, please leave a comment on this post with either the word 'Citra' or 'Amarillo'. You can only enter your name in for one or the other; I'll delete both entries for duplicate posts.

Entries will be accepted through December 9th, and two winners will be selected on December 10th. We'll get in contact after that, and the hops will ship out later that week.

As much as I love all you International readers, I regret to say this giveaway will be for US residents only. Sorry guys.

Finally, I wanted to say that I've received a ton of great suggestions and requests for the blog, both via email and in comments, recently. You guys have some great ideas, but it's often hard for me to either remember them, or keep them organized. So I'm going to create an additional page at the top of the site for suggestions and requests. That will help keep me organized, and hopefully I can dedicate some more time to those posts. Keep an eye out for it in the next few days. I can't promise that I'll get around to all of them, but I'll certainly try.

Thanks again for the support everyone! Cheers!


  1. Amarillo ...brewed your Enjoy By clone yesterday Scott, thanks for all that you do!

  2. By far my favorite brew blog. I am a much better brewer since discovering it, having narrowed the techniques thus getting a more repeatable process, and your approach to dialing in recipes has refocused me on what's in the glass, instead of what's in my head. Refreshing! Amarillo, please, since it shows up in about half of what we all seem to like these days, at least in SoCal. Thanks!

  3. Free Citra would be awesome for my Zombie Dust clone I'm writing up right now! Thanks for doing something like this Scott you're the man!

  4. Canadian here. Where did you order your 2013 hops from?

    1. Label Peelers, Hops Direct, and Farmhouse Brewing supply.

  5. Amarillo! Missing these in my american hop arsenal right now!

  6. I'm a huge fan of your blog, I started homebrewing in January and with your help, beers keep getting better. I would love some Citra, thanks!

  7. Aww man... Amarillo is like hens teeth here in New Zealand.

  8. Amarillo. Great blog - always looking forward to the next update!

  9. Citra!! Just stumbled upon your site last week. Time to brew some beers!!

  10. I have really enjoyed your site. I have brewed enjoy by multiple times and think it is an amazing clone. I am going to brew a batch for my wedding too. Keep up the good work. Citra

  11. Amarillo - You have a fantastic blog. This is just what the homebrewing community needs!

  12. Amarillo

    Gumballhead clone will be brewed, documented, and posted with your hops if I win...

  13. Amarillo

    And thanks very much for your work on this blog

    1. Sorry, the unknow post above is mine, name is Chuck

  14. Amarillo for sure.....great stuff.

  15. Amarillo, i was led to believe if the hops were vacuum packed and frozen they would last several years.

  16. Citra - Thanks for all the work you put in to the blog, Scott - your Union Jack clone is the best I've ever made...

  17. I really can't believe how many people are clamoring to get 1 year old hops.

  18. Citra. Thanks for the give away and thanks for sharing your experiences.

  19. This is by far my favorite beer blog. Now just one more reason to love it even more. Amarillo.

  20. you spelled my name wrong when you announced the winners.

  21. Grats to the winners, but Scott we need a new post! lol I keep checking back to see these bags of hops. I want to know about this hemisphere beer!!!! Haha

  22. Agreed! The dreaded "Hop Giveaway" post is going to put me in the looney bin. I've been checking every morning for the last 3 weeks. Scott - what could possibly be more important than spending a bunch of your free time to give us the beer guidance we so desparately seek? Well, I'm not sure either, but I'll try to be patient...Hope all is well!


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